Ester Lake

Cotton, Weft-faced structure, watercolor background 18h x 12.5w (each piece) 2012 425.00  SOLD The sun poked out below the low clouds reflecting golden green on the distant shore.    

Coiled Currents

    Cotton | weft-faced, hand dyed weft, coiled, mounted on watercolor Approx. 11h x 12w 2012 320.00 each This series is truly inspired by the water.  Each piece starts with an inspiration from wilderness environments. I developed a technique to bring the dimension of the water to weaving where the sculptural form of woven […]

Currents III

Cotton, Weft-face structure and coiling techniques 17h x 12w 2012 190.00   The water soothes the barren landscape; gray sticks, blackened brush cover the hillside.  But I am surrounded by blue skies where the ash and flame have long ago floated away.  The water sparkles in the sunlight and laps the edges of the land, […]

Currents II

Cotton, Weft-faced structure 18h x 12.5w (each piece) 2012 350.00   The pale growth returns, the birch and young jack pine thrive. The hillsides are young with fresh flora, the water supports, reflects, rejuvenates.

Currents I

Cotton, Weft-face structure and coiling techniques 14h x 12w 2012 320.00 sold   As the smoke rose into the sky, an ashy golden gray filtered the sunlight.  The water reflected strange blue and tans while the trees were tinged with flames.